Tatiana Andreeva Case
On the night of August 13, 2012, the Rus Hotel, which stands on the outskirts of Biysk, was especially noisy. The company of four guests, two guys and two girls, was very noisy, they were constantly walking up and down the stairs, laughing loudly and talking loudly. The receptionist made a remark to them, the guests calmed down and went to their rooms. Ten minutes passed. And then the door of one of the rooms opened with a bang and a barefoot guy in underpants ran out of there, holding his stomach, and rushed down the stairs to the street. The hotel security guard met the runner in the courtyard and saw that there was a deep wound on his stomach. "She cut me with a knife," the wounded man said with difficulty. A day later he died in the hospital. The investigation began. The victim's name was Sergey Cherkaykin.