Film clips of animals in Iran, Pakistan and India. The animals are mainly held in captivity at local zoos. Animals filmed include camels and a calf, giraffe, a tiger and cubs, lions, elephants, crocodiles, a bear, monkeys, ostriches, parrots, puppies, flamingos and various types of antelope. There is a scene of soldiers riding laden camel carts, and also a group of soldiers marching on camels. Oxford educated, Sir Clarmont Percival Skrine (1888-1974), was a civil servant and colonial administrator. He entered the Indian Civil Service in 1912 and later was transferred to their Political Service. He served as the British consul-general in Kashgar from 1922 to 1924, Under-Secretary of State for India and agent for the Madras States from 1936 to 1939. He was a respected authority on East Persia and Chinese Central Asia.