Episode 18 - S1.E18 - Only You

MAN sees SUMMER flirting with a beer lady, ERICA, in the bar. KING leaves the bar dejectedly. MAN thinks that ERICA is going out with SUMMER. In fact, her boyfriend is KING. ERICA reveals MAN’s adoration for SUMMER by accident. MAN is embarrassed. MAN and SUMMER run into each in the bar. She feels dejected when tells her he does not want to go any further for the time being. PHOEBE plans to expand the business but neither CHAI nor TIM supports her. She feels that she is not appreciated. PHOEBE comes to know businessman HA KONG when she is learning social dance with MAN. She shows him around her shop, hoping he will invest in it. SUMMER blurts this out. CHAI is not pleased but he does not say a word. PHOEBE invests in KONG’s cordyceps business. TIM points out to her that the cordyceps is fake. PHOEBE goes to KONG’s hotel to find out what is going on. On the other hand, CHAI and SUMMER arrive at KONG’s room too……

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Episode 18 - S1.E18 - Only You

March 16, 2011


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