Episode 47 - S3.E47 - Virtues of Harmony

SASA has a great mood today. She dresses up with the drama clothes and is expecting to play the drama with the famous actor, LAN BAO excitedly. Meanwhile, QUEEN KWAI passes by and loses her mood when she heard the play. SASA finds TSUI AN to practice the drama; however, AN fails to act the role when he has to smash SASA. Hence, LO seeks the opportunity to replacing AN, so that she can give SASA a lesson. On the other hand, the Minister prophecies that KING would have a son this year and the moment would happen on even days. Therefore, QUEEN KWAI tires every way to keep KING at her ‘Don Yum’ Palace on the even days; meanwhile, sends eunuch LING to assault QUEEN BO. Luckily, the body of QUEEN BO is fit enough to escape from the assassin and lets LING suffers instead.

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Episode 47 - S3.E47 - Virtues of Harmony

September 26, 2002

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