sucking on words is a documentary film that features interviews with, and extensive performances by, the American poet Kenneth Goldsmith. It also features critical commentary on his intense and ground-breaking conceptualist practice from three of North America’s leading voices on avant-garde poetics. Shot on location in New York in 2007, the lively conversations featured in sucking on words are an ideal introduction to Goldsmith’s witty and provocative works, which are already regarded as hallmarks of 21st-century literature. The film showcases readings from some of his notorious books: No.111 (found phrases ending in the ‘r’ rhyme and filtered alphabetically by syllable count); Soliloquy (a transcription of every word Goldsmith spoke for a week); Day (a retyping of one day’s New York Times newspaper); Traffic (one day’s worth of hourly radio traffic bulletins); and The Weather (one year’s worth of radio weather bulletins).
sucking on words
October 1, 2007
video reviews
Simon Morris
Rob Lavers
Fiona Biggiero
Sound Recordist
Jarrod Fowler
Sound Recordist
Jerome Harmann-Hardeman
Sound Recordist
Christine Morris
Fiona Biggiero
Lighting Technician
Jerome Harmann-Hardeman
Lighting Technician
Jarrod Fowler
Lighting Technician