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Is it better than the 2017's one? Kinda...
Yeah, there is much more storytelling, but the main idea and the final outcome is the exact same. I mean you can polish old car howmany times you want, but is still the same old car, right? Same here with the whole "Snyderverse". DC are already ahead of his vision and this movie does nothing except to please the Snyder crowd.

I don't quite understand the hate the movie is getting. Too many people expected full comic book accuracy with Taskmaster, which would have been hard to accomplish and harder to fit in the story they were trying to tell. I understand the disappointment from fans who expected that full Taskmaster story, but do not think it means that this movie was a flop. Florence Pugh was excellent in the film and the chemistry between her and Scarlett Johansson was great. Good fighting sequences except for parts of the third act where the CGI was very noticeable. Plus that end credit scene was amazing. One of my only complaints is that Marvel stated you wouldn't need to watch the shows to understand the movies but if you hadn't seen falcon and the winter solider the end credits may not make a 100 percent sense. At least make it clear the shows are a must watch if you are going to make them necessary to understand certain things. Overall a great movie.

This movie is not your ordinary Hollywood flick. It has a great and deep message. This movie has a foundation and just kept on being built on from their and that foundation is hope.

After watching Becket I thought I was in for another classic. But it turned out to be on of the biggest flops I have ever seen. Unlike Becket the dialogue was filled up with imaterial and seemed to repeat itself

It seems that many people dislike this movie and I can see why. First of all it shows that professional athletes are far away from being perfect. A lot farther than we would like to believe. The movie shows that many athletes as we know are just out their for the money. It also shows the corruption in the owners and politicians. But for me, all of this is good thing. I like seeing a movie that does not include glory in sports.

As I'm sure everyone knows this movie is about the war in Iraq. It shows 3 conversations between reporter and politician, student and teacher and two soldiers. If you want to understand what has taken place the past couple of years in the U.S. this movie can explain it to you very easily. It is not political propaganda like everyone likes to say it is a lesson about yourself and the decisions you make. It simply states that choosing do something about a situation is better than not doing anything at all. It does state that the war in Iraq is wrong but it does not bash it into your brain, that would be propaganda.

This movie seems to have a funny and interesting idea from the outlook. Yet this movies never quite takes off in the right direction or any direction. Through the first half of the movie it builds up as a comedy. In the second half it tries to alter itself into an engaging drama.

I had wanted to see this movie for sometime now. I have finally gotten to see it and can tell you it is no disappointment. This movie had a particular touch that gave a genuine and authentic feeling to it. Ben Affleck has a way of writing about life on the streets in Boston that just grabs you. Good Will Hunting was a fine example of that but Gone Baby Gone displayed his directing abilities as well. This movie appeared that it could fall apart any second but yet the story held up and managed to get its message out. Ben Affleck seems to be very creative and knows how to get your attention right when he want you to.
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