
Nurul is a 22-year-old orphan who lives with her mom Ainon and step-siblings Farah and Zamil, but the trio treat her like their maid instead. Meanwhile, Zamil is taken with Nurul's beauty and is only waiting for the right time to make his move. Salman is the wealthy playboy son of Datuk Mohktar, a well-known corporate bureaucrat. One day, Zamil confesses his feelings to Nurul, but when she rejects them, he tries to rape her. Nurul manages to escape and hides herself in Salman's room, but when she is found out, the villagers give the two a choice: either get charged in the Syariah court or get married and leave the village. In order to protect his reputation, Salman agrees to the latter option, but Nurul soon realises that Salman also treats her like his maid.

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