Hola Venky

Hola Venky is a romantic comedy that follows Venky's quirky and amusing journey from his groin to his heart. Venky is an Indian Techie - middle aged, divorced and confused, and his journey takes him all the way from Matunga in Mumbai to the Bay Area in San Francisco. Thrown into a "situation" where he loses 2% of his "god", Venky is forced to go on an introspective journey that leads him straight into the world of the Mexicans and Mariachi music. Along the way, he is forced to question certain stereotypical notions of 'machismo' that he has grown up on. Hola Venky is a 88 minute indie film that has wowed the audience around the world by screening in alternative spaces under the concept of "The Great Indian Traveling Cinema". The director of the film literally traveled with the film to various alternative spaces with his Projector and screened the movie for his audience. The film is Sandeep Mohan's second feature film after his well-received debut film "Love, Wrinkle-free".

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Hola Venky


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