Lovetape Film

"The film may suggest the fear of losing a loved one. Desire. Yearning. Anger. Doubt. A female nude. A reiterated breast. A child with a bicycle. The dead stump of a great tree. A blood- red sundown sky. A stick washed back and forth by the sea. And also, near the ending, an old 'Rhythm and Blues' song in which the male voice sings of his fear that he may lose his beloved. He finally closes with 'I wonder …if we’ll ever be…married…..I sometimes wonder…if you still love me?…. or if you’ve let me go?'. I use multiples of several shots. Perhaps it gives a feeling that life is both always the same and yet never the same? I superimpose different material over those shots each time, so that the actual imagery and their impact are always different. It challenges, perhaps, the well known French observation that 'Plus ca change, plus c’est la meme chose'." –Abbott Meader

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Lovetape Film


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