Harry Caton, a popular New York musical-comedy star, loses his voice on stage and then journeys to a small town on the New England coast to recuperate. Here Harry meets the beautiful Nancy Potter when he defends her against the drunken advances of Silas Jones, her father's friend. Although his daughter believes that he is a fisherman, Cail Potter is actually a thief, robbing houses along the coast with Silas as his accomplice. When Cail robs the wealthy Col. Brett's home, he finds an old miniature of a woman who exactly resembles Nancy, whom Cail rescued from a wrecked boat when she was just a year old. Soon after the robbery, Harry learns that the police are about to raid Cail's house, but Silas knocks him unconscious when he attempts to warn Nancy.
The Sea Waif
December 30, 1918
video reviews
Louise Huff
Nancy Potter
John Bowers
Harry Caton
Robert Broderick
Cail Potter
Clay Clement
Silas Jones
Florence Malone
Mrs. Chester
Tony Merlo
Phil Warren
Henry Warwick
Colonel Brett
Louis Reinhard
T. Tamamoto
Japanese Servant
Charles Dewey
Town Marshal
Helen Russell
Frank Reicher