Ivan Kauzlarič
No biography available
Known for
Acting |
1971 | Zlozor | Actor | N/A N/A |
1967 | A Pact with the Devil | Actor | 59 Average |
1962 | Midnight Mass | Actor | 59 Average |
1960 | Jerguš Lapin | Actor | Jergus Lapin | N/A N/A |
1960 | Strieborný Favorit | Actor | N/A N/A |
Production |
1998 | Golden Horseshoe, Golden Pen, Golden Hair | Production | Producer | N/A N/A |
1996 | Ženský vtip | Production | Producer | N/A N/A |
1994 | Dlhý, Široký, Bystrozraký | Production | Producer | N/A N/A |
1993 | Eros a Psycha | Production | Producer | N/A N/A |
1991 | Dúhová cesta | Production | Producer | N/A N/A |
1989 | Zlý záber | Production | Producer | N/A N/A |
1989 | Faklonos a Dobropán | Production | Production Manager | N/A N/A |
1985 | Sekera | Production | Production Manager | N/A N/A |
1985 | Medulienka | Production | Production Manager | N/A N/A |
1985 | Kým rieky vyschnú... | Production | Production Manager | N/A N/A |
1985 | Brezová víla | Production | Production Manager | N/A N/A |
1985 | Ozveny | Production | Production Manager | N/A N/A |
1985 | Hlupákovo šťastie | Production | Production Manager | N/A N/A |
1984 | Múdry Maťko a blázni | Production | Production Manager | N/A N/A |
1984 | Kirchhoffov zákon | Production | Production Manager | N/A N/A |
1984 | Ťažký deň strigônika Ďura | Production | Production Manager | N/A N/A |
1984 | Stretnutie pod starou píniou | Production | Production Manager | N/A N/A |
1983 | Múdra Gabriela | Production | Production Manager | N/A N/A |
1983 | Farebný bazár | Production | Production Manager | N/A N/A |
1983 | Tam je hviezda Sírius | Production | Production Manager | N/A N/A |
1982 | Májový víkend | Production | Production Manager | N/A N/A |
1982 | Farba tvojich očí | Production | Production Manager | N/A N/A |
1982 | O smelom krajčírikovi | Production | Production Manager | N/A N/A |
1982 | Krásna múdrosť | Production | Production Manager | N/A N/A |
1981 | Železný človek | Production | Production Manager | N/A N/A |
1981 | Sojka | Production | Production Manager | N/A N/A |
1980 | Mŕtvi maturovať nebudú | Production | Production Manager | N/A N/A |
1980 | Vojak a bratove slzy | Production | Producer | N/A N/A |
1980 | Miško drotár a naozajstná princezná | Production | Production Manager | N/A N/A |
1980 | Sivá hmla | Production | Production Manager | N/A N/A |
1980 | Karate-gi | Production | Production Manager | N/A N/A |
1979 | Poviem mu to sám | Production | Production Manager | N/A N/A |
1979 | Tuctové dievča | Production | Production Manager | N/A N/A |
1979 | Mandarínka a Sokrates | Production | Production Manager | N/A N/A |
1979 | Manželčatá | Production | Production Manager | N/A N/A |
1979 | Prievidzký mriežkovaný | Production | Production Manager | N/A N/A |
1979 | Krajina Haliganda | Production | Production Manager | N/A N/A |
1978 | Rachotilkovia | Production | Production Manager | N/A N/A |
1978 | Láska sesterská | Production | Production Manager | N/A N/A |
1978 | O nosatom kuchárovi a nohatom drotárovi | Production | Production Manager | N/A N/A |
1978 | Pomarančová rozprávka | Production | Production Manager | N/A N/A |
1978 | Žabí ženích | Production | Production Manager | N/A N/A |
1978 | Putička Li | Production | Production Manager | N/A N/A |
1978 | Einsteinov úsmev | Production | Production Manager | N/A N/A |
1977 | Koncert bez ruží | Production | Production Manager | N/A N/A |
1977 | Kamarátka Jana | Production | Production Manager | N/A N/A |
1976 | Panda | Production | Production Manager | N/A N/A |
1975 | Alizuna | Production | Production Manager | N/A N/A |
1975 | Zlaté jabĺčko | Production | Production Manager | N/A N/A |
1975 | Zlatá priadka | Production | Production Manager | N/A N/A |
1975 | Simultánka s Aľochinom | Production | Production Manager | N/A N/A |