António da Cunha Telles
No biography available
Known for
Acting |
2019 | An Indian in War - Life and Work of António-Pedro Vasconcelos | Actor | Self | N/A N/A |
2017 | Born with a Thunderstorm | Actor | N/A N/A |
2016 | In the Interstices of Reality or The Cinema of António de Macedo | Actor | N/A N/A |
2010 | Chamo-me António da Cunha Telles | Actor | 59 Average |
1994 | Lisboa no Cinema, Um Ponto de Vista | Actor | 59 Average |
Directing |
2004 | Kiss Me | Directing | Director | 58 Average |
1996 | Pandora | Directing | Director | 58 Average |
1984 | Lives | Directing | Director | N/A N/A |
1976 | Continuar a Viver ou Os Índios da Meia-Praia | Directing | Director | N/A N/A |
1975 | As Armas e o Povo | Directing | Director | 59 Average |
1974 | Meus Amigos | Directing | Director | 59 Average |
1970 | The Circle | Directing | Director | 59 Average |
Writing |
1996 | Pandora | Writing | Writer | 58 Average |
1984 | Lives | Writing | Writer | N/A N/A |
1976 | Continuar a Viver ou Os Índios da Meia-Praia | Writing | Writer | N/A N/A |
1974 | Meus Amigos | Writing | Writer | 59 Average |
1970 | The Circle | Writing | Story | 59 Average |
Production |
2020 | Simon Calls | Production | Executive Producer | 59 Average |
2011 | América | Production | Producer | 59 Average |
2011 | Under My Skin | Production | Producer | 59 Average |
2010 | Amor Cego | Production | Producer | N/A N/A |
2010 | Sweet Valentine | Production | Producer | 58 Average |
2010 | Dores & Amores | Production | Producer | N/A N/A |
2009 | How to Draw a Perfect Circle | Production | Producer | 58 Average |
2009 | The Dead Queen | Production | Executive Producer | N/A N/A |
2008 | True and Tender is the North | Production | Producer | 58 Average |
2008 | The Easy Way | Production | Executive Producer | 59 Average |
2007 | Sleepwalking Land | Production | Producer | 59 Average |
2007 | Fragile(s) | Production | Executive Producer | 58 Average |
2007 | The Mystery of Sintra | Production | Producer | 58 Average |
2007 | Theresa: The Body of Christ | Production | Associate Producer | 58 Average |
2007 | Codename: Sintra | Production | Production Executive | 69 Fair |
2006 | Flesh of My Flesh | Production | Producer | N/A N/A |
2005 | Fin de curso | Production | Producer | 58 Average |
2005 | Animal | Production | Co-Producer | 58 Average |
2004 | Volpone | Production | Executive Producer | 58 Average |
2004 | Kiss Me | Production | Producer | 58 Average |
2004 | Julie, chevalier de Maupin | Production | Executive Producer | N/A N/A |
2004 | Maria e as Outras | Production | Producer | 58 Average |
2004 | Le pays des enfants perdus | Production | Executive Producer | N/A N/A |
2004 | Anatomy of Hell | Production | Executive Producer | 56 Average |
2003 | The Immortals | Production | Co-Producer | 59 Average |
2003 | Il court, il court, le furet... | Production | Executive Producer | 59 Average |
2003 | Aurélien | Production | Executive Producer | N/A N/A |
2003 | The Pact of Silence | Production | Executive Producer | 58 Average |
2003 | Wounded | Production | Producer | N/A N/A |
2002 | Ruy Blas | Production | Executive Producer | 59 Average |
2002 | Les Frangines | Production | Executive Producer | 58 Average |
2002 | 88 | Production | Producer | N/A N/A |
2002 | Sex Is Comedy | Production | Associate Producer | 58 Average |
2002 | Justice de femme | Production | Executive Producer | N/A N/A |
2001 | Mausolée pour une garce | Production | Executive Producer | 58 Average |
2001 | A Man is not a Cat | Production | Producer | N/A N/A |
2001 | Anjo Caído | Production | Producer | N/A N/A |
2001 | Querida Mãe | Production | Producer | N/A N/A |
2001 | The Invisible Circus | Production | Producer | 58 Average |
2001 | Les Filles à papa | Production | Producer | 58 Average |
2001 | Cavaleiros De Água Doce | Production | Delegated Producer | N/A N/A |
2000 | Amor Perdido | Production | Producer | N/A N/A |
2000 | The Bird Watcher | Production | Producer | 58 Average |
2000 | Aniversário | Production | Executive Producer | N/A N/A |
2000 | A Noiva | Production | Producer | N/A N/A |
2000 | Hijos del viento | Production | Co-Producer | 58 Average |
2000 | Alta Fidelidade | Production | Associate Producer | N/A N/A |
2000 | Mustang | Production | Producer | 58 Average |
2000 | Monsanto | Production | Delegated Producer | N/A N/A |
2000 | Amo-te Teresa | Production | Producer | 59 Average |
1999 | Quasimodo d'el Paris | Production | Producer | 57 Average |
1999 | Jaime | Production | Executive Producer | 59 Average |
1998 | The Barber of Siberia | Production | Producer | 61 Fair |
1998 | Dribbling Fate | Production | Co-Producer | 58 Average |
1997 | Bocage, the Triumph of Love | Production | Producer | 58 Average |
1996 | Death in Therapy | Production | Producer | 59 Average |
1996 | Foreign Land | Production | Co-Producer | 59 Average |
1996 | Les Bidochon | Production | Co-Producer | 58 Average |
1996 | Un asunto privado | Production | Executive Producer | 59 Average |
1996 | Pandora | Production | Producer | 58 Average |
1996 | The Jew | Production | Associate Producer | 58 Average |
1995 | Fiesta | Production | Executive Producer | 58 Average |
1995 | Antártida | Production | Executive Producer | 58 Average |
1995 | Runaways | Production | Producer | 59 Average |
1995 | La rage au cœur | Production | Executive Producer | N/A N/A |
1995 | Une femme dans la tourmente | Production | Executive Producer | N/A N/A |
1995 | Le Cœur étincelant | Production | Executive Producer | N/A N/A |
1995 | Paraíso Perdido | Production | Producer | 58 Average |
1994 | The Eagle and the Horse | Production | Executive Producer | N/A N/A |
1994 | Passagem por Lisboa | Production | Producer | 60 Fair |
1994 | D'Artagnan's Daughter | Production | Executive Producer | 58 Average |
1993 | On the Edge of the Horizon | Production | Producer | 59 Average |
1993 | Rosa Negra | Production | Producer | 59 Average |
1993 | Coma | Production | Executive Producer | N/A N/A |
1993 | Shuttlecock | Production | Producer | 58 Average |
1992 | Feu Adrien Muset | Production | Executive Producer | 58 Average |
1992 | Belle Époque | Production | Co-Producer | 61 Fair |
1992 | Dark at Noon | Production | Executive Producer | 58 Average |
1992 | The Charlots Return | Production | Executive Producer | 58 Average |
1992 | Requiem for a Daffodil | Production | Producer | N/A N/A |
1990 | 1871 | Production | Co-Producer | 58 Average |
1990 | Dédé | Production | Executive Producer | N/A N/A |
1989 | Love Comedy | Production | Executive Producer | 59 Average |
1989 | Street of No Return | Production | Executive Producer | 58 Average |
1989 | Le commissaire épate le FBI | Production | Associate Producer | 59 Average |
1988 | Contrainte par corps | Production | Executive Producer | 58 Average |
1987 | Ennemis intimes | Production | Producer | N/A N/A |
1987 | The Jester | Production | Producer | 61 Fair |
1987 | Ballad of Dog Beach | Production | Executive Producer | 58 Average |
1986 | Exit-exil | Production | Producer | 58 Average |
1986 | Saudades Para Dona Genciana | Production | Executive Producer | N/A N/A |
1984 | Lives | Production | Producer | N/A N/A |
1984 | To Catch a King | Production | Executive Producer | 58 Average |
1976 | Continuar a Viver ou Os Índios da Meia-Praia | Production | Producer | N/A N/A |
1971 | Sever do Vouga... Uma Experiência | Production | Producer | 58 Average |
1970 | The Circle | Production | Producer | 59 Average |
1967 | Seven Bullets for Selma | Production | Producer | N/A N/A |
1967 | Change of Life | Production | Producer | 59 Average |
1967 | Alta Velocidade | Production | Producer | N/A N/A |
1966 | Sunday Afternoon | Production | Producer | 59 Average |
1965 | Catembe | Production | Producer | N/A N/A |
1965 | The Wheat and the Tares | Production | Producer | N/A N/A |
1965 | Enchanted Isles | Production | Producer | 59 Average |
1964 | The Circular Triangle | Production | Producer | N/A N/A |
1964 | The Crime of Aldeia Velha | Production | Executive Producer | 59 Average |
1964 | Belarmino | Production | Producer | 59 Average |
1964 | The Soft Skin | Production | Associate Producer | 62 Fair |
1964 | The Soft Skin | Production | Producer | 62 Fair |
1963 | The Green Years | Production | Producer | 59 Average |
Editing |
1996 | Pandora | Editing | Editor | 58 Average |
1976 | Continuar a Viver ou Os Índios da Meia-Praia | Editing | Editor | N/A N/A |
1974 | Meus Amigos | Editing | Editor | 59 Average |
1970 | The Circle | Editing | Editor | 59 Average |