Kazue Itō
Kazue Itō is a Japanese art director and background artist.
Known for
Art |
1995 | Romeo and the Black Brothers | Art | Art Designer | 72 Good |
1985 | Dogtanian Special | Art | Art Direction | 58 Average |
1981 | Dogtanian and the Three Muskehounds | Art | Art Direction | 71 Good |
1980 | Maeterlinck's Blue Bird: Tyltyl and Mytyl's Adventurous Journey | Art | Background Designer | N/A N/A |
1979 | Triton of the Sea | Art | Art Direction | 58 Average |
1978 | King Fang | Art | Art Direction | 58 Average |
1970 | Cleopatra: Queen of Sex | Art | Production Design | 58 Average |