Willie Lau
No biography available
Known for
Acting |
2020 | Airport Strikers | Actor | 70 Good |
2018 | Stealing Seconds | Actor | 69 Fair |
1996 | King of Gambler | Actor | 雷天栋 | 69 Fair |
1992 | 鐳射劇場之雙雄會 | Actor | N/A N/A |
1992 | Rise & Fall of Qing Dynasty - The Forbidden City in Jeopardy | Actor | N/A N/A |
1992 | 一千灵异夜之贴身噩梦 | Actor | N/A N/A |
1989 | Thunder Knight | Actor | N/A N/A |
1988 | Ranger, Superior, And Demon Girl | Actor | N/A N/A |
1988 | Rise & Fall of Qing Dynasty (II) | Actor | N/A N/A |
1988 | Court Secret Agent | Actor | N/A N/A |
1987 | Rise & Fall of Qing Dynasty | Actor | 70 Good |
1987 | Hongchen | Actor | 70 Good |
1986 | The Invincible Snowy Hair Maiden | Actor | 慕容冲 | N/A N/A |
1986 | Five Heroes from Shaolin | Actor | 高进忠 | N/A N/A |
1986 | The Supersword Lady | Actor | N/A N/A |
1985 | The Legendary Prime Minister - Zhuge Liang | Actor | N/A N/A |
1985 | The Man, the Ghosts and the Aliens (II) | Actor | N/A N/A |
1984 | By Royal Decree | Actor | N/A N/A |