Josef Calta
No biography available
Known for
Acting |
1981 | Blázni, vodníci a podvodníci | Actor | 59 Average |
1978 | Muž s orlem a slepicí | Actor | N/A N/A |
Art |
1984 | Levé křídlo | Art | Set Decoration | 58 Average |
1984 | Hot autumn with the smell of mango | Art | Set Decoration | 59 Average |
1983 | Putování Jana Amose | Art | Set Decoration | 59 Average |
1982 | Propast | Art | Set Decoration | N/A N/A |
1981 | Blázni, vodníci a podvodníci | Art | Set Decoration | 59 Average |
1980 | How to Dupe a Lawyer | Art | Set Decoration | 59 Average |
1980 | Hodinářova svatební cesta korálovým mořem | Art | Set Decoration | 59 Average |
1980 | Čas pracuje pro vraha | Art | Set Decoration | 58 Average |
1979 | On the Poachers Trail | Art | Set Decoration | 59 Average |
1979 | Vražedné pochybnosti | Art | Set Decoration | N/A N/A |
1979 | Miluji Tě | Art | Set Decoration | N/A N/A |
1979 | Silnější než strach | Art | Set Decoration | N/A N/A |
1978 | Když kluci drží basu | Art | Set Decoration | N/A N/A |
1978 | Muž s orlem a slepicí | Art | Set Decoration | N/A N/A |
1977 | Pasiáns | Art | Set Decoration | N/A N/A |
1977 | Smrt na černo | Art | Set Decoration | N/A N/A |
1976 | Summer with a Cowboy | Art | Set Decoration | 59 Average |
1975 | Na konci světa | Art | Set Decoration | 59 Average |
1975 | Kateřina a její děti | Art | Set Decoration | N/A N/A |
1974 | Muž, který se spustil | Art | Set Decoration | N/A N/A |
1974 | Družina černého pera | Art | Set Decoration | N/A N/A |
1974 | Zatykač na královnu | Art | Set Decoration | 59 Average |
1974 | Siroty | Art | Set Decoration | N/A N/A |
1973 | Rambling Engelbert | Art | Set Decoration | N/A N/A |
1972 | Zlatá svatba | Art | Set Decoration | N/A N/A |
1972 | Black Wolf | Art | Set Decoration | N/A N/A |
1971 | The Hour of Blue Elephants | Art | Set Decoration | 59 Average |
1971 | Lucie and the Miracles | Art | Set Decoration | 59 Average |
1970 | Valerie and Her Week of Wonders | Art | Set Decoration | 62 Fair |
1969 | Flirt se slečnou Stříbrnou | Art | Set Decoration | N/A N/A |
1969 | The Most Beautiful Age | Art | Set Decoration | 59 Average |
1969 | Honor and Glory | Art | Set Decoration | 59 Average |
1968 | Červená kůlna | Art | Set Decoration | N/A N/A |
1968 | Objížďka | Art | Set Decoration | N/A N/A |
1967 | Broučci | Art | Set Decoration | 70 Good |
1967 | Romance for Bugle | Art | Set Decoration | 59 Average |
1967 | Murder Czech Style | Art | Set Decoration | 59 Average |
1966 | Lady on the Tracks | Art | Set Decoration | 59 Average |
1966 | Slečny přijdou později | Art | Set Decorating Coordinator | N/A N/A |
1966 | Nobody Will Laugh | Art | Set Decoration | 59 Average |
1965 | The Junk Shop | Art | Property Master | 58 Average |
1965 | The White Lady | Art | Set Decoration | 59 Average |
1964 | Green Gold | Art | Set Decoration | 58 Average |
1964 | Začít znova | Art | Set Decoration | N/A N/A |
1964 | Půjčovna talentů | Art | Set Decoration | N/A N/A |
1963 | Something Different | Art | Set Decoration | 59 Average |
1963 | The King of Kings | Art | Set Decoration | 59 Average |
1963 | Transport from Paradise | Art | Set Decoration | 58 Average |
1961 | Every Penny Counts | Art | Set Decoration | N/A N/A |
1961 | Magical Day | Art | Set Decoration | 59 Average |
1961 | Ledoví muži | Art | Set Decoration | 59 Average |
1960 | Slingboy | Art | Set Decoration | 59 Average |
1959 | Dům na Ořechovce | Art | Set Decoration | N/A N/A |
1958 | Desire | Art | Set Decoration | 59 Average |
1957 | V pátek ráno | Art | Set Decoration | 59 Average |
1957 | September Nights | Art | Set Decoration | 59 Average |
1957 | The Girl Robinson Crusoe | Art | Set Decoration | 59 Average |
1956 | Kam s ním? | Art | Set Decoration | N/A N/A |
1956 | Doggie and Three | Art | Set Decoration | 59 Average |
1955 | Na konci města | Art | Set Decoration | N/A N/A |
1954 | Ještě svatba nebyla... | Art | Set Decoration | 59 Average |
1953 | Písnička za groš | Art | Set Decoration | 59 Average |
1953 | Kidnapped | Art | Set Decoration | 59 Average |
1952 | Milujeme | Art | Set Decoration | 59 Average |
1952 | Mordová rokle | Art | Set Decoration | 59 Average |
1950 | Racek Is Late | Art | Set Decoration | 59 Average |
1949 | Léto | Art | Set Decoration | 59 Average |
1949 | Na dobré stopě | Art | Set Decoration | 59 Average |
1947 | Poslední mohykán | Art | Set Decoration | 59 Average |