Ljudevit Galić
No biography available
Known for
Acting |
1988 | The Life of Stipe Zvonarov | Actor | Portir | N/A N/A |
1986 | Journey to Vucjak | Actor | Gabrek | 69 Fair |
1985 | Highlands | Actor | Seljak | N/A N/A |
1985 | Horvat's Choice | Actor | Gabrek | 58 Average |
1984 | Beggars and Sons | Actor | 69 Fair |
1982 | Cyclops | Actor | Invalid s vagom | 58 Average |
1981 | Lidija | Actor | N/A N/A |
1975 | Tena | Actor | Otac | 58 Average |
1974 | The Bonfires of Kapela | Actor | Čovječuljak | N/A N/A |
1973 | Timon | Actor | N/A N/A |
1972 | The Accordion | Actor | Šef željezničke stanice | N/A N/A |
1958 | The Year Long Road | Actor | Redar / Policajac | 58 Average |
1956 | The Siege | Actor | Njemački stražar | 59 Average |