Ladislav Hanuš
No biography available
Known for
Acting |
1967 | Jak se krade milión | Actor | 59 Average |
1966 | Lady on the Tracks | Actor | 59 Average |
Writing |
1958 | Six O'Clock at the Airport | Writing | Story | 59 Average |
Production |
1980 | Zastretý farebný svet | Production | Unit Production Manager | N/A N/A |
1972 | Morgiana | Production | Production Manager | 60 Fair |
1971 | Hry lásky šálivé | Production | Production Manager | 59 Average |
1971 | Adrift | Production | Production Manager | 59 Average |
1969 | The Cremator | Production | Production Manager | 64 Fair |
1968 | The Limping Devil | Production | Production Manager | 59 Average |
1968 | Čtyři v kruhu | Production | Production Manager | N/A N/A |
1967 | Sign of the Cancer | Production | Production Manager | 59 Average |
1966 | Lady on the Tracks | Production | Production Manager | 59 Average |
1966 | Crime at the Girls School | Production | Production Manager | 59 Average |
1965 | 90° in the Shade | Production | Production Manager | 58 Average |
1965 | The Shop on Main Street | Production | Production Manager | 62 Fair |
1965 | Polka jede do světa | Production | Production Manager | 59 Average |
1964 | A Place in the Crowd | Production | Production Manager | N/A N/A |
1964 | Mykoin PH 510 | Production | Production Manager | N/A N/A |
1964 | Defendant | Production | Production Manager | 59 Average |
1962 | Every day - Sunday | Production | Production Manager | N/A N/A |
1962 | The Hedgehog Friendship | Production | Executive Producer | N/A N/A |
1962 | Little Bobesh | Production | Executive Producer | 59 Average |
1961 | Červnové dny | Production | Executive Producer | 59 Average |
1961 | Ledové moře volá | Production | Executive Producer | 58 Average |
1961 | Žalobníci | Production | Executive Producer | N/A N/A |
1961 | The Lupinek Case | Production | Executive Producer | 59 Average |
1961 | Magical Day | Production | Executive Producer | 59 Average |
1961 | Valčík pro milión | Production | Executive Producer | 58 Average |
1960 | The White Dove | Production | Executive Producer | 59 Average |
1960 | Prázdniny v oblacích | Production | Executive Producer | N/A N/A |
1960 | The Lost Photography | Production | Executive Producer | 59 Average |
1960 | Slingboy | Production | Executive Producer | 59 Average |
1960 | Probuzení | Production | Executive Producer | 59 Average |
1960 | Zpívající pudřenka | Production | Executive Producer | 58 Average |
1959 | The Princess with the Golden Star | Production | Executive Producer | 59 Average |
1959 | Sny na neděli | Production | Executive Producer | N/A N/A |
1959 | První a poslední | Production | Executive Producer | N/A N/A |
1959 | Hry a sny | Production | Executive Producer | 59 Average |
1959 | Jak se Franta naučil bát | Production | Executive Producer | N/A N/A |
1959 | The Bear and the Ghosts | Production | Executive Producer | 59 Average |
1958 | Six O'Clock at the Airport | Production | Executive Producer | 59 Average |
1958 | Six O'Clock at the Airport | Production | Production Manager | 59 Average |
1957 | The Goalkeeper Lives On Our Street | Production | Executive Producer | 58 Average |
1957 | The Goalkeeper Lives On Our Street | Production | Production Manager | 58 Average |
1957 | Cubs Trainers | Production | Executive Producer | N/A N/A |
1957 | Vintage Car | Production | Production Manager | 59 Average |
1952 | Usměvavá zem | Production | Production Manager | 59 Average |
1951 | The Hen and the Sexton | Production | Production Manager | 59 Average |
1951 | Karhanova parta | Production | Production Manager | 58 Average |
1950 | Racek Is Late | Production | Production Manager | 59 Average |
1950 | Veliká příležitost | Production | Production Manager | 59 Average |
1950 | New Czechoslovakia | Production | Production Director | 59 Average |
1949 | Rodinné trampoty oficiála Tříšky | Production | Production Manager | 59 Average |
1949 | Soudný den | Production | Executive Producer | 59 Average |
1949 | Případ Z-8 | Production | Executive Producer | N/A N/A |
1948 | Old Ironside | Production | Executive Producer | N/A N/A |
1948 | Kariéra | Production | Executive Producer | 59 Average |