Alfred A. Arndt
Alfred A. Arndt works as construction coordinator for film and television productions.
Known for
Art |
2016 | Wynonna Earp | Art | Construction Coordinator | 78 Good |
2014 | Fargo | Art | Construction Coordinator | 82 Very good |
2007 | The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford | Art | Construction Coordinator | 68 Fair |
2007 | Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee | Art | Construction Coordinator | 59 Average |
2003 | Open Range | Art | Construction Coordinator | 67 Fair |
2003 | The Death and Life of Nancy Eaton | Art | Construction Coordinator | 59 Average |
1997 | The Edge | Art | Construction Foreman | 65 Fair |
1990 | The Fourth War | Art | Construction Coordinator | 58 Average |