Karel Feix
No biography available
Known for
Writing |
1961 | Florián | Writing | Screenplay | 59 Average |
1952 | Hasek’s Tales from the Old Monarchy | Writing | Screenplay | 59 Average |
1950 | Racek Is Late | Writing | Story | 59 Average |
1950 | Racek Is Late | Writing | Screenplay | 59 Average |
1949 | Rodinné trampoty oficiála Tříšky | Writing | Story | 59 Average |
1938 | Ideál septimy | Writing | Screenplay | N/A N/A |
1938 | Děti na zakázku | Writing | Screenplay | N/A N/A |
1938 | Děti na zakázku | Writing | Story | N/A N/A |
1938 | Armádní dvojčata | Writing | Screenplay | N/A N/A |
1938 | Armádní dvojčata | Writing | Story | N/A N/A |
1937 | Jarčin profesor | Writing | Screenplay | N/A N/A |
Production |
1971 | Adrift | Production | Executive Producer | 59 Average |
1970 | Svatá hříšnice | Production | Executive Producer | N/A N/A |
1970 | Devilish Honeymoon | Production | Executive Producer | 59 Average |
1970 | A Killer on the Tracks | Production | Executive Producer | 58 Average |
1970 | Aesop | Production | Executive Producer | 59 Average |
1970 | Odvážná slečna | Production | Executive Producer | N/A N/A |
1969 | Men About Town | Production | Executive Producer | 59 Average |
1969 | Young Bohácek's Sufferings | Production | Executive Producer | 59 Average |
1969 | Přehlídce velím já! | Production | Executive Producer | N/A N/A |
1969 | Prague Nights | Production | Executive Producer | 59 Average |
1969 | The Thirteenth Chamber | Production | Executive Producer | 59 Average |
1968 | The Best Woman in My Life | Production | Executive Producer | 59 Average |
1968 | Bylo čtvrt a bude půl | Production | Executive Producer | N/A N/A |
1968 | A Man Who Rose in Price | Production | Executive Producer | 59 Average |
1968 | The Terribly Sad Princess | Production | Executive Producer | 59 Average |
1968 | Bedtime Story | Production | Executive Producer | 58 Average |
1968 | Klec pro dva | Production | Executive Producer | 59 Average |
1968 | Čtyři v kruhu | Production | Executive Producer | N/A N/A |
1968 | Přísně tajné premiéry | Production | Executive Producer | 59 Average |
1967 | Ta naše písnička česká | Production | Executive Producer | 59 Average |
1967 | Poklad byzantského kupce | Production | Executive Producer | 59 Average |
1967 | Murder Czech Style | Production | Executive Producer | 59 Average |
1967 | Never Strike A Woman... Even with A Flower | Production | Executive Producer | N/A N/A |
1966 | Lady on the Tracks | Production | Executive Producer | 59 Average |
1966 | Poslední růže od Casanovy | Production | Executive Producer | 59 Average |
1966 | Dva tygři | Production | Executive Producer | N/A N/A |
1966 | Alibi on the Lake | Production | Executive Producer | 59 Average |
1966 | Škola hříšníků | Production | Executive Producer | N/A N/A |
1965 | The Junk Shop | Production | Executive Producer | 58 Average |
1965 | 90° in the Shade | Production | Executive Producer | 58 Average |
1965 | The White Lady | Production | Executive Producer | 59 Average |
1965 | The Shop on Main Street | Production | Executive Producer | 62 Fair |
1965 | Terrible Woman | Production | Executive Producer | 58 Average |
1965 | Adventures with a Naked Boy | Production | Executive Producer | 59 Average |
1964 | Komedie s Klikou | Production | Executive Producer | 59 Average |
1964 | Lemonade Joe | Production | Executive Producer | 60 Fair |
1964 | Green Gold | Production | Executive Producer | 58 Average |
1964 | A Place in the Crowd | Production | Executive Producer | N/A N/A |
1964 | Passing Through a Thick Forest | Production | Executive Producer | 59 Average |
1964 | Pršelo jim štěstí | Production | Executive Producer | N/A N/A |
1964 | Začít znova | Production | Executive Producer | N/A N/A |
1964 | Defendant | Production | Executive Producer | 59 Average |
1963 | Král komiků | Production | Executive Producer | N/A N/A |
1963 | Tři chlapi v chalupě | Production | Executive Producer | 59 Average |
1963 | The King of Kings | Production | Executive Producer | 59 Average |
1963 | Three Wishes | Production | Executive Producer | 59 Average |
1963 | Death Is Called Engelchen | Production | Executive Producer | 59 Average |
1963 | Poslední etapa | Production | Executive Producer | N/A N/A |
1963 | Horoucí srdce | Production | Executive Producer | 59 Average |
1962 | Dva z onoho světa | Production | Executive Producer | N/A N/A |
1962 | The Coward | Production | Executive Producer | 59 Average |
1962 | Deštivý den | Production | Executive Producer | N/A N/A |
1962 | Oranžový měsíc | Production | Executive Producer | N/A N/A |
1961 | Labyrint srdce | Production | Executive Producer | N/A N/A |
1960 | První parta | Production | Executive Producer | 58 Average |
1959 | Dům na Ořechovce | Production | Executive Producer | N/A N/A |
1959 | Taková láska | Production | Executive Producer | N/A N/A |
1959 | The Plain Old Maid | Production | Executive Producer | 59 Average |
1959 | Hlavní výhra | Production | Executive Producer | 59 Average |
1959 | May Stars | Production | Executive Producer | 58 Average |
1959 | Of Things Supernatural | Production | Executive Producer | 59 Average |
1958 | Morálka paní Dulské | Production | Executive Producer | 59 Average |
1958 | Zde jsou lvi | Production | Executive Producer | N/A N/A |
1958 | Povodeň | Production | Executive Producer | 59 Average |
1958 | Wolf Trap | Production | Executive Producer | 59 Average |
1958 | I Dutifully Report | Production | Executive Producer | 59 Average |
1957 | At the Terminus | Production | Executive Producer | 59 Average |
1957 | Snadný život | Production | Executive Producer | 59 Average |
1957 | Lost Children | Production | Executive Producer | 59 Average |
1957 | Jurášek | Production | Executive Producer | 59 Average |
1957 | Playing with the Devil | Production | Executive Producer | 59 Average |
1957 | Labakan | Production | Executive Producer | N/A N/A |
1957 | Zlatý pavouk | Production | Executive Producer | 58 Average |
1957 | Roztržka | Production | Executive Producer | N/A N/A |
1956 | A Life at Stake | Production | Executive Producer | 59 Average |
1949 | Hostinec „U kamenného stolu“ | Production | Executive Producer | 59 Average |
1949 | Silent Barricade | Production | Executive Producer | 59 Average |
1949 | Vzbouření na vsi | Production | Executive Producer | 59 Average |
1949 | Na dobré stopě | Production | Executive Producer | 59 Average |
1948 | Až se vrátíš... | Production | Executive Producer | 59 Average |
1948 | White Darkness | Production | Executive Producer | 59 Average |
1948 | The Musician | Production | Executive Producer | 59 Average |
1948 | Dravci | Production | Executive Producer | 59 Average |
1948 | Krakatit | Production | Executive Producer | 59 Average |
1947 | Presentiment | Production | Executive Producer | 59 Average |
1947 | Nobody Knows Anything | Production | Executive Producer | 59 Average |
1947 | Poslední mohykán | Production | Executive Producer | 59 Average |
1947 | Warriors of Faith | Production | Executive Producer | 58 Average |
1947 | The Stolen Border | Production | Executive Producer | 59 Average |
1947 | Nikola Shuhai | Production | Executive Producer | 59 Average |
1947 | A Dead Man among the Living | Production | Executive Producer | 59 Average |
1946 | Nadlidé | Production | Executive Producer | 59 Average |
1946 | Men Without Wings | Production | Executive Producer | 58 Average |
1946 | Pancho se žení | Production | Executive Producer | 59 Average |
1946 | The Adventurous Bachelor | Production | Executive Producer | N/A N/A |
1945 | Rozina the Love Child | Production | Executive Producer | 59 Average |
1944 | The Respectable Ladies of Pardubice | Production | Production Manager | 59 Average |
1943 | Žíznivé mládí | Production | Production Manager | 59 Average |
1943 | Barbora Hlavsová | Production | Production Manager | 59 Average |
1942 | Městečko na dlani | Production | Production Manager | 59 Average |
1941 | Pantáta Bezoušek | Production | Production Manager | 59 Average |
1941 | A Charming Man | Production | Production Manager | 59 Average |
1940 | Pelikán má alibi | Production | Production Manager | N/A N/A |
1940 | Artur a Leontýna | Production | Production Manager | 59 Average |
1940 | Konečně sami | Production | Production Manager | 59 Average |
1940 | Směry života | Production | Production Manager | 59 Average |
1939 | Dobře situovaný pán | Production | Production Manager | 59 Average |
1939 | Příklady táhnou | Production | Production Manager | 59 Average |
1939 | Eighteen Years Old | Production | Production Manager | 59 Average |
1939 | Kdybych byl tátou | Production | Production Manager | 59 Average |
1939 | Zborov | Production | Production Manager | 59 Average |
1938 | Ideál septimy | Production | Production Manager | N/A N/A |
1938 | Armádní dvojčata | Production | Production Manager | N/A N/A |
1937 | Jarčin profesor | Production | Production Manager | N/A N/A |
1937 | Rozvod paní Evy | Production | Production Manager | N/A N/A |
1936 | Manželství na úvěr | Production | Production Manager | 59 Average |