Review by CinemaLover
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It seems as if the whole movie was restricted on different levels. Some of it looked totally spontaneous and wild and sometimes it looked totally restricted.
The casting was horrendous here and I think it has nothing to do with Stone. Stone said his dream pick was Russell Crowe, so then why didn't he get him. Obviously the movie required a big budget so it can't have anything to do with money issues. This probably had to do with Warner Brothers Studios. Despite having a star cast the chemistry between the actors was horrible. Usually Stone does a better job of this. Angelina Jolie played the mother and she is a year younger than Farrell. This probably would not have been so big of a deal if the movie was better. Some of the most basic things were not accomplished in this movie and that probably has to do with in large part of wanting to make good money.
The directing if there was any was horrible together with the editing. Everything seemed to be all over the place. No effort seemed to come out of the directing or editing. The battle scenes were horrible not having the slightest idea of what is happening. The writing was OK but nothing special and probably once again restricted.
The acting was over the top. Colin Farrell just perfectly describes this. The role of Alexander was too big for him too handle. As previously mentioned before the fact that Farrell was picked for this is a disgrace. Everything in here seemed so over the top and cliché that it frustrated me. Especially with all these talented actors.
I would not recommend this movie at all. It is clearly influenced by money and sponsors and is a horrible movie to top it off. This was made to make money not be a good film and that just sums everything up here and that is just unlike Stone who didn't write it nor did he produce it. The worst of it though is that there is no point or message whatsoever and that is definitely not like Oliver Stone.