Modern Marvels
HISTORY’s longest-running series moves to H2. Modern Marvels celebrates the ingenuity, invention and imagination found in the world around us. From commonplace items like ink and coffee to architectural masterpieces and engineering disasters, the hit series goes beyond the basics to provide insight and history into things we wonder about and that impact our lives. This series tells fascinating stories of the doers, the dreamers and sometime-schemers that create everyday items, technological breakthroughs and manmade wonders. The hit series goes deep to explore the leading edge of human inspiration and ambition.
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Modern Marvels

Review by CinemaLover

A Cornerstone Show On The History Channel

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When I think History Channel I think Modern Marvels. In a strange way it is very addictive. You learn so much you just want more and more. You could watch a marathon of this and not notice that hours have passed by. It covers everything from entertainment to architectural achievements to politics. It is so explanatory and at the same times it gives you a time line of whatever the show is displaying. What makes this show so great is that it could cover any topic including ones I'm not interested in and make me interested. This show at times has compelled me to research further to extensively learn about something for myself. A great show that does not base its episodes on speculation but on facts and examines and investigates them as well. I couldn't ever imagine this being taken off the air.
