The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson
The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson is an American late-night talk show hosted by Scottish American comedian Craig Ferguson, who is the third regular host of the Late Late Show franchise. It follows Late Show with David Letterman in the CBS late-night lineup, airing weekdays in the US at 12:37 a.m. It is taped in front of a live studio audience from Monday to Friday at CBS Television City in Los Angeles, California, directly above the Bob Barker Studio. It is produced by David Letterman's production company Worldwide Pants Incorporated and CBS Television Studios. Since becoming host on January 3, 2005, after Craig Kilborn and Tom Snyder, Ferguson has achieved the highest ratings since the show's inception in 1995. While the majority of the episodes focus on comedy, Ferguson has also addressed difficult subject matter, such as the deaths of his parents, and undertaken serious interviews, such as one with Desmond Tutu, which earned the show a 2009 Peabody Award.
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The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson

Review by CinemaLover

A Nice Breath Of Fresh Air

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At least when it comes to network TV that is exactly what he is. He is so unlike the other four guys that have late night talk shows. Something feels different with, you actually get the sense he is having fun and in a way that rubs off on the viewer. He does not get the most famous noticeable guests but he always makes the most of having them. Usually the worst part of the late night talk shows is when they get to the actual talking. Craig seems to make it the best part of his show. He is very funny when he is interacting with his guests. In the case of Jay Leno, David Letterman, Jimmy Kimmel and Conan O'Brien they seem to make it the worst part of their shows. His guests have fun, he has fun and the viewer has fun rather than everyone falling asleep. They do not seem to enjoy having their guests, Craig does. With his show there is more of a positive energy than their is with the other four. One thing that he is not is cynical. He does not take too many cheap shots at people and is still the wildest and most outrageous of the late night talk show hosts. It still is network TV though so there is a limit of what you are going to see but with Craig who cares which is a real testament to his abilities. At first he looked as if he was going to burn out with his comedic style being used on a network talk show but clearly he has not and I hope he stays on the air for a long, long time. It would be nice to see him uncensored for once though. The only thing I can really blame him for is for not allowing me to sleep because he is so hilarious.
