Frozen River
Ray Eddy, an upstate New York trailer mom, is lured into the world of illegal immigrant smuggling. Broke after her husband takes off with the down payment for their new doublewide, Ray reluctantly teams up with Lila, a smuggler, and the two begin making runs across the frozen St. Lawrence River carrying illegal Chinese and Pakistani immigrants in the trunk of Ray's Dodge Spirit.
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Frozen River

Review by CinemaLover

Dirty And Sleazy But Reality

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Frozen River never even gets close to something of a positive tone. The movie is about a mother of two having her husband abandon them on 10 days before Christmas. To make matters worse the family is in dire straits needing money. As a result Melissa Leo, who plays the mother, begins to smuggle illegal immigrants across the border to make money.

Melissa Leo's performance in this movie is very good but hard to watch. The movie is tough and shows poverty in American and in Indian reservations continuously. Her performance showed the desperation of a single mother and the price she will pay to get what she needs.

The writing and directing of the movie was executed very well but I couldn't help but just have a bad feeling after the movie. I'm fine with negative movie but there seemed to be almost no hope for anyone in this film. Some stretches were of the film were dragging on but still a good film. If your in the mood watch this movie.
