From out of nowhere, a mysterious alien race known as the Boazan Forces has invaded the Earth. A group of individuals specially trained to handle this kind of situation has been unleashed. Kenichi, Ippei, Daijirou, Hiyoshi & Megumi are the pilots of the Choudenji Machine Voltes V (5), Earth's defense against the Boazan and their terrible Beast Warriors. The plot thickens as the Go Brothers discover their true heritage and the truth behind their father's disappearance. Conflicts and mixed emotions hinder the Go Brothers at times but due to their unwavering desire to find their dad, they must go to the place where it all started. With the help of the rebels based on Earth and on the aliens' homeworld, the Voltes Team has another mission, remove the tyrant Zu Zanbajil and liberate the people of Boazan.
Voltes V
June 4, 1977
video reviews
Seizô Katô
Professor Hamaguchi
Shozo Iizuka
Miyuki Ueda
Megumi Oka
Tamio Ohki
Professor Sakunji
Noriko Ohara
Noriko Ohara
Hiyoshi Gou
Kenji Utsumi
General Do Bergan
Yu Mizushima
Kentaro Go / Ragooru (voice)
Tessyo Genda
Daijiro Gou
Kazuyuki Sogabe
Ippei Mine
Mikio Terashima
Emperor Zu Zanbajil
Hiroshi Masuoka
General Oka
Hiroshi Masuoka
Ryusuke Shiomi
General Gurul
Osamu Ichikawa
Prince Heinell
Daisuke Maki
Narrator (voice)
Yukinaga Shiraishi
Ken'ichi Gō
Ran Tokumaru
Yoshiyuki Tomino
Kazuo Terada
Mitsuko Horie
Theme Song Performance
Columbia Cradle Association
Theme Song Performance
Hiroshi Tsutsui
Koorogi '73
Theme Song Performance
Takashi Miyano
Art Direction
Akihiro Kanayama
Animation Director