Anna Lee
Anna Lee is a British television series produced by Brian Eastman and Carnival Films for London Weekend Television. Following a 1993 pilot, five two-hour programmes were produced in 1994, loosely based on the detective novels of Liza Cody. These were broadcast in the U.S. on the A&E cable network. The title role was played by Imogen Stubbs. Music was by Anne Dudley with theme song "Sister, Sister" and some additional songs by Luciana Caporaso. Considerable alterations were made from the original books so that sometimes they seem to share only their titles. According to actor Ken Stott's webpage:
Anna Lee
February 27, 1994
video reviews
Cast (8)
Brian Glover
Selwyn Price
Peter Wight
Bernie Schiller
Imogen Stubbs
Anna Lee
Wil Johnson
Stevie Johnson
John Rowe
Commander Martin Brierly
Sally Baxter
Maggie Daniels
Ceri Jackson
Ros Russell
Sonia Graham
Beryl Doyle