Berlin Bohème
Berlin Bohème is a German television series, produced in 53 episodes from 1999 to 2005. The series depicts the lives of Bohemian artists in Berlin; the majority of the protagonists were gay or lesbian. The creator and producer of this show is Andreas Weiss, who produced several other gay and lesbian TV-series before.
Berlin Bohème
July 13, 2000
video reviews
Cast (9)
Tima die Göttliche
Clou Claudio Huber
Thomas Goersch
Gregor Flemming
Volker Waldschmidt
Achim Meier
Sonya Martin
Marina Dahlmann
Johanna Rubinroth
Liliane Trotzek
Christian Kaufmann
Ruben Solmeyer
Rainer Hillebrecht
Holger Prehm
Marcus Lachmann
Edgar Goretzki
Alexander Haugg
Oliver Eichhorst