The series revolves around adam (Tamer Hosni) a young man from a poor environment who faces many difficulties and problems and tries to overcome them. Where his father (Mahmoud al-Jundi) is accused of taking a bribe, Adam becomes the family breadwinner made up of his mother (Afaf Shoaib), and his brothers, forced by circumstances to work as a delivery worker for orders for a fast food restaurant, he has a love affair with his neighbor here (Dora) who her father refuses to marry, and at one time sees an American man He tries to attack the girl Nancy (May Ezzedine) and kills him to defend himself and the girl turns the life of Adam rasa upside down with the death of his father forced and heartbreaked on him in prison and Adam remains on the run trying to prove his innocence under the bullying and repression of the Egyptian officer (Majid al-Masri) charged with arresting him.