Otome Domain The Animation
Due to his grandmother's death, the protagonist is all alone in this world. The daughter of a wealthy family, a girl his age who is also an administrator at an all-girls school, offers him a helping hand and a fresh start. With nowhere else to go, he dons a girl's uniform and begins living in the girls' dorm. But the ladies he's living with are all a little off.
"Where'd I put my panties... I guess I'll have to go without them today..." "I'll get some for you immediately! Wouldn't there be trouble if you went out like that!?"
His new life with the academy's residents was supposed to be a fresh start, but who's taking care of whom!?
Otome Domain The Animation
September 29, 2017
video reviews
Cast (5)
Miku Ozaki
Miyu Minami (voice) (credited as Haruto Tsuruya)
Mami Shitara
Kazari Saionji (voice) (credited as Hana Anzu)
Miho Hayashi
Yuzu Kifune (voice) (credited as Hotaru Hanakage)
Yukari Minegishi
Hinata Oogaki (voice) (credited as Airi Himekawa)
Sarah Ayumi
Minato Asuka (voice)