In a bustling city, the Wen, Yan, Lu, and Xin families represent the four leading business groups, with their heirs—Wen Siguan, Yan Xi, Lu Liu, and Xin Dayi—growing up as close friends. After being sent away for her health, Wen Heng returns home over a decade later, captivating Yan Xi at first sight. The group navigates their youth through school and embarks on their careers post-graduation, with Yan Xi and Wen Heng pursuing fashion design while Wen Siguan and Xin Dayi take on roles in their family businesses, supported by Lu Liu. As competition intensifies, tensions arise, causing a temporary rift among the friends. Ultimately, they reconcile and learn the importance of friendship and growth, while Yan Xi and Wen Heng overcome challenges to build a lasting and fulfilling relationship.
To Our Ten Years
video reviews
Yang Xizi
Wen Heng
Guo Zhe
Gu Feibai
Zhu Lilan
Wen Sier
Zhao Dong Ze
Lu Liu
Lu Cheng Jue
Xin Dayi
Sun Zeyuan
Yan Xi
Li Junyi
Wen Siwan
Lin Ran
Chen Juan
Bai Yicong