The Weird Al Show
The Weird Al Show is a television show hosted by "Weird Al" Yankovic. Produced in association with Dick Clark Productions, it aired Saturday mornings on the CBS TV network from September to December 1997. The show was released on DVD on August 15, 2006. The show was similar to Pee-Wee's Playhouse which also premiered on CBS.
Al's television set was called "Al TV", the name of a number of Yankovic's television specials.
The Weird Al Show
September 13, 1997
video reviews
Cast (9)
Billy West
Announcer (voice)
Paula Jai Parker
Val Brentwood, Gal Spy
Danielle Weeks
Cousin Corky
Brian Haley
The Hooded Avenger
Gary LeRoi Gray
Bobby the Inquisitive Boy
Beau Weaver
Channel Hopping Announcer (voice)
Stan Freberg
Papa Boolie (voice)
Donavan Freberg
Baby Boolie (voice)