
Trying to gather and share cool reviews (that I mostly agree with and mostly about super hero movies) found online scattered between multiple places.


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Absolute Banger!

That was a freakin' blast! The story is complex, interesting, it fills some gaps in the MCU and simultaneously is a great origin story for the character of Shang-Chi.

The whole cast is amazing, I mean there is so much chemistry between them. Simu Liu and Tony Leung are phenomenal in their respective roles. The Mandarin well created character.

The movie is amazing bridge between East and West culture. There is so much to explore, much like Wakanda. The history of Shang's culture is so rich.

The fight choreography is absolute kick in the a good way. I mean this is something completely new for the MCU and they deliver it again! Everything looks so goddamn good and I can't help myself thinking about some scenes! Also, the colors, the effects, the camera work and etc. Everything is magnificent.

There is humor for sure, but there is also emotional impact. This is not some bland action packed movie, it's made with heart from fans for the fans. Kudos to the director Destin Cretton!

Killer soundtrack and the main song for the movie "Run It" fits so good with all.

There are a few surprises, that were hidden from the promos and trailers and man...just wait to see them.

About the credit scenes...they are two, both are good, but one of them is...SICK!

For sure deserves more than one viewing in the cinema, so much story building, details, action, fun. The people who underestimated this movie will be so surprised how great is it.

80Very good
Gory, Fun and a Breath of fresh air

The Suicide Squad is an upgrade in every conceivable way when compared to the 2016 movie. Its also a really fun, gory, colorful and a fresh take on the DC universe when compared to the dull, dark and overly edgy garbage of Movies like Batman vs Superman. As well as that, its nice to see a cast of characters that would likely never see the light of day in any other DC movie, Polka Dot man being a prime example. The casting itself was also really well done with Daniela Melchior being the standout to me.

Overall I loved this movie, it was such a breath of fresh air in, at times, today's over saturated superhero movie genre and I would highly recommend that people go see this film in cinemas for a truly unforgettable experience.

80Very good
Pleasantly Surprised

I don't quite understand the hate the movie is getting. Too many people expected full comic book accuracy with Taskmaster, which would have been hard to accomplish and harder to fit in the story they were trying to tell. I understand the disappointment from fans who expected that full Taskmaster story, but do not think it means that this movie was a flop. Florence Pugh was excellent in the film and the chemistry between her and Scarlett Johansson was great. Good fighting sequences except for parts of the third act where the CGI was very noticeable. Plus that end credit scene was amazing. One of my only complaints is that Marvel stated you wouldn't need to watch the shows to understand the movies but if you hadn't seen falcon and the winter solider the end credits may not make a 100 percent sense. At least make it clear the shows are a must watch if you are going to make them necessary to understand certain things. Overall a great movie.

80Very good
Style Over Substance

Is it better than the 2017's one? Kinda...

Yeah, there is much more storytelling, but the main idea and the final outcome is the exact same. I mean you can polish old car howmany times you want, but is still the same old car, right? Same here with the whole "Snyderverse". DC are already ahead of his vision and this movie does nothing except to please the Snyder crowd.

Snyder is very good with the visuals and this is a known fact. The problem is, that you can't make motion pictures for 4 straight hours and telling people, that this is great idea. Maybe, if you're 14 and still loving the 2010's CGI, slow motion all the way and action over the actual story.

The effects are questionable, yeah they're better than 2017's, but this ain't some big achievement in my book. The villains looks like plain CGI puppets, there is nothing that resonate with me and no, I'll not compare Darkseid with someone from his rank, but you can do the math.

There're some plot holes, that ruin the whole DCEU continuity once again and this is just because Snyder thinks only about his 3 movies, not the grand scale of this universe. Some characters look complete different just because...he like them this way?

I still can't believe somehow you think adding characters like The Flash, Cyborg, Aquaman, Martian Manhunter, Darkseid and more for first time it's good for the bigger picture. There is no actual gradation, there is no empathy.

Still, there are some great shots, particularly with Batman and Superman. I said earlier that Snyder is a "painter", that's why my review is named "Style Over Substance". The nightmare sequence was the most interesting thing for me in this movie, added to the story we already know it feels like a whole other movie which is not a complete lie if you think about it. Snyder's plan was to make sequel where he explores this story and Darkseid eventually becomes the big baddie.

The music score is better (I appreciate great epic tracks). In some places it's overdramatic, but overall it's fine.

I'm glad that finally his vision is out, no matter that I think he changed a lot of things, knowing there will be no JL 2 soon. I just really hope this whole drama to end now.

Is it a good movie? Yeah, if you compare it to the bad cosplay show from 2017, but knowing that the story is basically the same, with more pompous scenes and still some bad CGI effects, I would say no.

Great visuals if you press the pause button constantly, not a great movie.

Long And Flawed

The film is nowhere near the first one and it's predictable, which is tiring. If you're a comicbook fan, you've watched the second trailer and you have thought a little bit, you could find out for yourself, how the events will unfold in the exact same way and at the end you'll be right. There was not a single moment that surprised me.

There are some good action scenes, but most of them looks cheesy. The CGI is just bad. The colors are used on spot, but the thing that seemed out of fashion a long time ago and that was in the first movie too, is the excessive use of slow motion. Several times done it's fine, but to be used in almost every action scene...

Although things were predictable, I liked the performance of Pedro Pascal as Maxwell Lord and I would say that his arc was the best part of the movie, no matter how corny it was. The gradation toward Kristen Wiig's Cheetah was okay, but the final battle, if I can say that was a battle was lame. They could improve her as a character. Actually, she was there, just because, Diana must fought with someone and If you wonder why the fight between Diana and Cheetah takes place at night...well, because the CGI is bad.

There're too many cliches and nonsenses all over the place. Chris Pine is like transparent character. I mean he's there and he's important for Diana, bringing some heart to the movie, but we already knew that. Overall his character was written way better in the first one. Here he's kind of a emotional reminder for Diana plus "the funny guy" in the movie. Basically, this time, Steve is the "fish out of water", which parallels the first movie, where Diana was.

"WW84" feels too long and it really is. They drag some plot points way too much and you can feel that boring.

I'll not gonna spoil anything, enjoy the movie when you have the opportunity. I'll probably watch it again after time, but I think that my overall opinion will not change much. For me, the first one is way better as a whole, compared to this one.
