The Incredible World of James Bond
This promotional film was aired on American television on 26 November 1965, one month before the release of Thunderball (1965). Narrated by Alexander Scourby, the 48 minute documentary aired as a one hour special. It included footage of the filming at Silverstone Racetrack, Northamptonshire and of the fight aboard the Disco Volante at Pinewood Studios; media coverage of Martine Beswick, Luciana Paluzzi and Claudine Auger; and archive footage of Ian Fleming at 'Goldeneye', Jamaica.
The Incredible World of James Bond
November 26, 1965
video reviews
Cast (25)
Alexander Scourby
Narrator (voice)
Sean Connery
Self (archive footage)
Ursula Andress
Self (archive footage)
Ian Fleming
Self (archive footage)
Albert R. Broccoli
Self (archive footage)
Joseph Wiseman
Self (archive footage)
Bernard Lee
Bernard Lee: M (Vice Admiral Sir Miles Messervy KCMG)
Zena Marshall
Self (archive footage)
Daniela Bianchi
Self (archive footage)
Lotte Lenya
Self (archive footage)
Robert Shaw
Self (archive footage)
Honor Blackman
Self (archive footage)
Gert Fröbe
Self (archive footage)
Shirley Eaton
Self (archive footage)
Harold Sakata
Self (archive footage)
Lois Maxwell
Self (archive footage)
Desmond Llewelyn
Self (archive footage)
Ken Adam
Self (archive footage)
Claudine Auger
Self (archive footage)
Martine Beswick
Self (archive footage)
John Kitzmiller
Self (archive footage)
Luciana Paluzzi
Self (archive footage)
Nadja Regin
Self (archive footage)
Harry Saltzman
Self (archive footage)
Terence Young
Self (archive footage)
Crew (5)
Jack Haley Jr.
Al Ramrus