
Bhuto, an orphan kid, comes to serve as a domestic attendant for the local Ganguly family, which hosts the biggest Durga Puja in the village. The puja rituals are controlled by Chakraborty, the chief priest. Gradually, Bhuto understands that most of the family members don’t really get along with each other. Especially, there is an evident rift between Rinku, wife of Debu, the second son, and Tina, the youngest daughter of the family. Rinku befriended Bhuto and they develop a sweet bond. Bhuto also comes across an unnamed prostitute lady, who showered much love on the orphan kid, who severely missed motherly pampering. Gradually, their bond strengthened and Bhuto started to meet her every noon. Parallelly, Bhuto gets regularly humiliated by arrogant Swapan, Tina’s husband, and Chakraborty, who strictly believed in the age-old caste system, which still existed within the remote areas of rural Bengal.

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