Letter from the New Town
What more understated, and yet more effective, ode to urbanization than Mesaroș’s film, which consists entirely from dynamic black&white photographs connected by a voice-over commentary written from the perspective of a naughty pre-teen boy who enjoys to the full the benefits of modernization? His village (Nehoiu, in Buzău county) is about to become a town; the boy writes a letter to his cousin from the capital, Bucharest, to tell him about his daily life. As in Red Flag, humour is a crucial element employed to smooth down the otherwise transparent political ‘message’ of the film: when the boy swallows a button, the mother takes him to the “new” hospital, where the doctors take an x-ray picture “to see if it’s from the shirt or the pants”; the machine is “so good” that they can clearly see what sort of button it is.