Wonder Woman
An Amazon princess comes to the world of Man in the grips of the First World War to confront the forces of evil and bring an end to human conflict.
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Wonder Woman

Review by SuperHeroReviews

The Latest Adaptation of the Powerful Female DC Superhero

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Well, I think this was a rather different type of DC superheroes movies. This one was felt as a combination of fun and a little bit dark altogether. This movie was telling the origin of Wonder Woman and I think it was told in a very nice way. The earlier part showing Diana since her childhood was quite nice to see. What I loved the most was actually the moment when Diana went to London for the very first time. It was truly fun to see the naivety of her in the "man's world" and I think Gal Gadot's portrayal in these scenes were very spot on.

What I loved about this movie was also the way Diana evolved from the innocent Amazon woman to what she became at the end. I believe the duration of the movie was just nice even though it was a little bit over than 2 hours. Some might feel it was too long at the beginning but it should not be considered as a flaw. My wife and I really enjoyed this movie. I know she was touched during those emotional moments and I know she loved Gal Gadot portraying Wonder Woman.

Chris Pine was charming as Steve Rogers and his chemistry with Gal Gadot seemed very nice. The awkward moments during their trip back to London were very fun to see as well. Steve's allies particularly Sameer was the stand out one. Apart from the fun part, there were also some dark moments and emotional moments as well, reminding us that DC superhero adaptation movies would always have dark tone, but it was not as dark as the other earlier movies. Those of you who prefer lighter tone would definitely be able to enjoy this.

This movie was directed by Patty Jenkins who had just 1 movie to her credit prior to this one, albeit a very highly critically acclaimed one titled Monster (with its main cast Charlize Theron won the Golden Globe and Academy Awards). It was a surprise to me that she was able to make the action sequence looked very cool. The special effects was wonderful. The fight scenes were nice. The sound effects were great, especially since I saw this in a theater with Dolby Atmos sound system. The dramatic, emotional, fun scenes were nicely done by Jenkins. All around I think she did a wonderful job directing this movie and hopefully it would bring more audiences to flock the theaters.

For those who are expecting to see post-credit scene, be informed that this one did not have any, just like in Batman VS Superman: Dawn of Justice. I guess they did not really want to be seen just like any other Marvel movies? (Although there was some brief mid-credit scene in Suicide Squad).

In conclusion, I believe this one was a wonderful superhero movie from DC comics. Not since Elektra in 2005 that a female superhero became the lead of a movie based on comic books. Not even Marvel had it in the Marvel cinematic universe. Perhaps after this, they would be making an independent movie of Black Widow?

Anyway, for those of you who prefer Marvel comics movies compared to DC comics movies due to their lighter tones, I think this one would surprise you. For those who are die hard fans of DC comics, I am sure you would be coming to see this one anyway. But for those who just enjoy the movies adapted from any comic books, you should be able to enjoy this one. Just watch this and you would understand what I meant.
