Ant-Man and the Wasp
Just when his time under house arrest is about to end, Scott Lang once again puts his freedom at risk to help Hope van Dyne and Dr. Hank Pym dive into the quantum realm and try to accomplish, against time and any chance of success, a very dangerous rescue mission.
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Ant-Man and the Wasp

Review by SuperHeroReviews

Don't Judge By The Size, Judge By The Quality!

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Yes, the movie responds to some questions, we asked during "Infinity War" and yes, for people who do not watch all the movies, only some selective...all of the movies in the MCU are connected and this one is no exception.

I will not get into the details for the movie, but it got everything you need to remember it. The story is fun, the action is great, also connections to other movies. All these, are just some of the incredible things in this movie!

Personally for me, Evangeline Lilly in the role of Hope Van Dyne (Wasp) stole the show, because she's incredible, Paul Rudd as Ant-Man evolves himself as a hero, but do not think that the curious moments are less! Actors in supporting roles only make the movie even better. Stellar ensemble, also the humor is spot on. Get ready for a lot of surprises!

If you think that watching "Ant-Man and the Wasp" after "Infinity War" is crazy, believe me, Marvel own us once again. Just the thought, that after such a big event in the MCU, we are watching a lighter film, but at the same time extremely important for the culmination of all the events of ten years of stories is mind-boggling!

In conclusion "Ant-Man and the Wasp" is another jewel in the MCU crown! The film is full of action, fun moments and character development. I will not disclose anything else, but stay to the very end of the movie...

One of the credit scenes is easily top notch!

Very good