Dark Phoenix
The X-Men face their most formidable and powerful foe when one of their own, Jean Grey, starts to spiral out of control. During a rescue mission in outer space, Jean is nearly killed when she's hit by a mysterious cosmic force. Once she returns home, this force not only makes her infinitely more powerful, but far more unstable. The X-Men must now band together to save her soul and battle aliens that want to use Grey's new abilities to rule the galaxy.
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Dark Phoenix

Review by SuperHeroReviews

This is fine guys

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Is the movie a masterpiece? No. Is it the worst X-men movie ever? Definitely not. Have you seen the last stand, Apocalypse or Origins? Does this movie have deep themes, amazing visuals, complex characters, and fully developed relationships? No but its straight forward and doesn't really have any holes.

Has Mystique completely given up? Oh beyond. Did we need aliens? No, no we did not. Are storm and Quicksilver depressingly underused? Sadly yes. Are Jean and Cyclops just ok? Yea but Beast, Charles and Magneto are still giving it their all. that mini mutant civil war fight was pretty cool and I really liked the train sequences. It ok for a movie to just be ok, just average. I can at least say I had a good time in the end. This movie does not deserve people going so hard on it.
