Resplendant - S1.E5
DJ Resplendent produced the seminalest piece of rap final in the history of music, and if Brilliance does not get him to agree to produce the boys next track, he's history.
Trexx and Flipside have had enough. No gigs, no record deal, no sign of their trip to the very top taking off. If Respledent is who they boys want, that's who Brilliance will get... even if Resplendent has become a recluse. Resplendent famously went mad and ate all of the copies of his last record before becoming convinced he was Mick Hucknall.
Ollie is sent packing around the world to find him, finally discovering him on a roundabout outside Leicester. What the boys need is to impress him and what Ollie needs is to make the mighty DJ Resplendent sane again - even if it does mean free-falling from an aeroplane.
Trexx and Flip rehearse their best-shot to impress him. They have the last copy of his last record and know nothing of his madness-inducing history with the track. Whilst Ollie is sent to make the tea - this here is men's business - Trexx and Flip offer up their version of his last ever song. Cue more insanity from DJ Resplendent - or is that Mich Hucknall holding back the tears?