Dr LUI asks HIN to return to Yangzhou secretly. He wants HIN to stop SUET and the others from killing LUNG. LUNG discovers that his new restaurant staff practices kung-fu and he realizes their plan quickly. He decides to set up a trap for everybody. On the action day, HIN suddenly arrives to stop everybody from carrying out the plan. He brings them to visit SING. HIN has taken SING away from Yangzhou so that LUNG cannot kill SING. HIN visits YIN secretly and he wants her to arrange a secret meeting with ON. CHING and PING eventually survive after the misfortune. CHING goes to the hillside to collect some Chinese herbs for PING and he discovers that LUNG is entering a small village alone... SUET and YUET bring SIU YUEN out. They want to show SIU YUEN that FAI has changed completely and he is now working hard in her parent’s store. However, SIU YUEN is not moved at all……