Episode 17 - S1.E17
XIAO discovers that the helmet gang leader is arrested and he is displeased. CHEUK YAN praises KIU in front of everybody but he is also sorry for not being able to arrest the ultimate commander of the helmet gang. XIAO invites a famous brain doctor from overseas to investigate OI’s condition and the result is not optimistic. XIAO therefore asks KIU to help persuading BO. OI’s operation is successful and XIAO drives SUM home. SUM falls asleep on the car. XIAO doesn’t want to wake her up so he stays with her in the car. YOU invites MAN to her place for she wants to give him the most important thing in her life… YOU’s travel book is published and MAN helps her to send the books to everybody. MAN’s friends persuade him to leave the triad organization but MAN claims that it was YOU’s idea for him to meet up with them but he actually doesn’t have the intention to do so……