Comfy Cozy - S0.E43
February 26, 2011
video reviews
If there's a chill in air or you just need that comforting pick-me-up, we have the feel-good foods for you. We'll warm your insides with mashed potatoes, southern biscuits, and the best potpies. How much do we like Lay's Potato Chips? Frito-Lay goes through 12 tons of potatoes every hour just to make them! Or if you want a cool favorite-how about chocolate and peanut butter ice cream made as only Haagen Dazs can, at the rate of half a million cups a day. Who makes the best cinnamon rolls this side of Gramma--some think they come from a small but tasty bakery in New York City. It's everything we love to warm up our insides and brighten our spirits on a special hour-long "Comfy Cozy" Unwrapped special!