Episode 7 - S1.E7 - The Tom Green Show

-Tom, Derek, and Ray run outta gas in mexico. tom does impressions for people waiting for the gas


-Jimmy cab, makes replica of earth. sends man hole covers around the world

-Glenn gives instructions for tom to be funny. tom sprays food and sauce on the audience..chaos

-big ben

-ufo's are real. Tom is visited by the "raelien" cult

-guest Joanne, the nail gun expert

-a date with god

Glenn Humplik: the sucker. Glenn is forced to by a young girl radiohead tickets, and in return tom gets him a 'sucker' tshirt

-tom interrupts an Elvis fan concert.. dances and gets people pissed

-band: short fall

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Episode 7 - S1.E7 - The Tom Green Show

March 27, 1998


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