Episode 14 - S2.E1 - The Tom Green Show

- Terry Cloth robe: Tom and SNL's Will Farrell discuss his nice aqua bath robe

- intro

- Talkin with Glenn, the money grubbing bastard

- Falling down in the streets.. (making fun of cripples)

- Revivin' a dead moose

- Guest: Bruce the chef.. throwin a halibut into the audience

- Billy Bob's Mountain... eatin caramels in town

- Cyntra the Domanatrix .. you pee on people! how much for the warm poo

- Foamin newsreporter... Tom visits a Calgary television station during noon news. - Glenn's scam: moving Laptops

- Tom visits a joke shop. Finds an anal intruder, and a masturbation kit.. embarrasses old woman

- Game: Jugs of Orange Juice. Spraying Glenn Humplik with milk

- Signing with the old native woman: "and away we go.."

- Finale with the sleeping moose, more humping..

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Episode 14 - S2.E1 - The Tom Green Show

December 4, 1998


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