Unacustomed As I Am - S6.E4
Patrick is invited back to his old school to give the 'Founders Day speech'. While rehearsing his speech on the tape recorder, Patrick is disturbed by the dooerbell. Basil Updike a fellow 'Old Boy' has heard Patrick's giving the speech & also wants him for the cricket team against the 'New Boys'.
Patrick isn't in very good shape,so Basil helps him train every morning for a week. Anna finds Patrick's old cricket set upstairs & Basil returns for a bit of batting practise. (inside)
What Patrick doesn't know is the girls & Nanny were playing with the tape recorder & Nanny sang a little song before they were interupted. As Patrick shows Nanny & the girls around his old school, Basil finds him & tells him it's time for the cricket match. While batting Patrick is hit in the throat with the ball & taken inside for first-aid. A former 'Old Boy' is now a vet & looks at Patrick. He has a swollen larynx & can't talk. Basil has an idea, why not mime to the tape recorded speech.! Patri