Man-Beasts of XRA/Prejudice/Tiny World of Terror/Tibetan Raiders - S1.E12
The Man-Beasts of Xra Superman, Batman and Robin must battle a group of animal men created by a mad scientist. Prejudice The Wonder Twins help a black couple being harassed by a group of white bikers. The Tiny World of Terror An evil scientist uses a shrinking machine on a couple of colleagues and drops them in the middle of a swamp which poses a number of dangers for them at their reduced size. The only way to find them is for the SuperFriends to shrink down as well, and then deal with the rogue who caused the trouble. Tibetan Raiders Superman and the Flash head to Tibet to save the passangers of a crashed airplane who are being threatened by raiders.
Man-Beasts of XRA/Prejudice/Tiny World of Terror/Tibetan Raiders - S1.E12
September 24, 1977
video reviews