It's Mara's birthday! Candace and Amanda were drinking ahead of time - even though all the pledges had decided to go out together. Candace feels like Jordan is being really mean to her and snubbing her on purpose. While they're out, Mara tells Jessica to tell Amanda to not talk to a boy she is talking to, because he and Mara have a history. Amanda goes off on Jessica, and Jessica thinks she has blown it out of proportion. Then Amanda leaves the bar with Clint.
Jordan talks to Leah and Leslie about Candace and Amanda's drinking. She asks them to intervene because the drinking has gotten out of control. At the end of the night, Candace doesn't get in the car when Dede comes to pick everyone up - instead she leaves with a boy.
Jessica suggests to Amanda that she talk to Mara about what happened. Candace proposes having a roundtable discussion. Jessica leaves the house and goes to talk to Jordan, Dede and Mara about how Amanda and Candace are ""vultures."" They all talk smack for a while.