Operation Scamtron - S1.E11 - Nick Freno: Licensed Teacher

It's time for the annual reading aptitude tests, which measure not only the progress of the students but the effectiveness of their teachers. Since they want to make Nick look good, the students in his class all agree to cheat by looking at the highly intelligent Sarah's perfect test answers. After Fust locks up the completed examinations, Nick finds out that his class cheated. Admonishing them that cheating is never good no matter what the motivation, he makes them retake the test. Late at night, Nick and Elana break into the school and replace the fraudulent completed tests with the honest ones. Later, the slightly above-average test results indicate that Nick is a positive influence on the students. During their undercover adventure, Nick and Elana share their first kiss, after a long period of denial and confusion about their mutual attraction.

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Operation Scamtron - S1.E11 - Nick Freno: Licensed Teacher

November 20, 1996


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