Tiny Tots Syrup: All kids hate Tiny Tots Syrup, a syrup they have to take to stay healthy. Lulu goes to the factory to make them change the flavor. Lulu is made the new Miss Tiny Tots spokesperson. During a focus group, the manager took a drink of the stuff and realized how nasty it was, so the flavor was changed.
The Night Before Christmas: It's Christmas Eve, and Lulu hears Tubby and the gang planning to hi-jack Santa's sleigh. Lulu sneaks out of bed at midnight to warn Santa (who was really Mr. Tompkins.) It turns out that Tubby was only fooling.
The Piggie Bank Guard: Tubby has $2.50 in his piggie bank, and has Lulu guard it from him until he has three dollars to buy a girl a present. Lulu thinks it's her who's getting the present, but it turns out Tubby's trying to get Gloria a bouqet. Tubby finally has three dollars, but buys a compass instead.