Prisoner Exchage: The police department capture the evil Marty the Midget, a felon wanted for burglary, kidnapping, grand theft auto, and worst of all not looking both ways before crossing. Once in his cell, Marty spoons his way out and digs himself out of the sandbox, where he meets his twin: Tubby! The two switch outfits, and claims that he dug all the way from China, and that once he tells the newspapers, his clothes will be on the front page. So Tubby decides to dig through the tunnel, only to find he's in prison. Marty has a hard time, when the fellers chase him down for his debt, and Mrs. Tompkins chasing him down to take his medicine, meanwhile, Tubby has it easy with the prisoners cheering while he eats 20 pieces of cake, and winning at a game of marbles. Lulu offeres to help hide Marty, and then she turns him in. Tubby then finds a picture of his clothes on every paper in town.
The Balloon Derby: Mr. Coldcuts has a promotion as he released 11 balloons marked from 0 to 10, for