January 28, 1991 - S7.E4
Highlights Of What Happened Between Macho King Randy Savage And The Ultimate Warrior At The Royal Rumble The Mountie vs. Reno Riggins The Big Boss Man vs. Jeff Sword The Hart Foundation vs. Dale Wolfe/Doug Vines Rick Martel vs. Allan Reynolds WWF Event Center With Promos By: Koko B. Ware, The Nasty Boys w/ Jimmy Hart Highlights From The Royal Rumble Interview w/ Hulk Hogan After His Royal Rumble Win From The Royal Rumble The Barbarian vs. Saba Simba Brother Love Show With A Guy Named Paul Who Is Supposedly Blind Paul Roma vs. Shane Douglas (Joined In Progress) The British Bulldog vs. Joe Turner Mr. Perfect vs. Terrence Blaylock Jake Roberts vs. Izzy Slapowitz WWF Event Center With Promos By: The Undertaker w/ Brother Love, Tugboat Demolition vs. Mike Wallace/Pez Whatley